This Directive will apply minimum repairability requirements for certain goods, including washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, electronic displays and refrigeration appliances.
This Directive is due to be transposed into the national law of EU Member States by 31 July 2026.
Directive (EU) 2024/1799 applies common rules setting minimum repairability requirements on certain goods.
EU Member States are required to transpose the Directive to national law by 31 July 2026. This legislation applies to all EU Member States.
What will change?
The Directive does not apply defects that sellers are liable for.
The ‘obligation to repair’ will apply to goods subject to legislation listed in Annex II. Initially, this will include:
European Repair Information Form
Repairers will need to provide a completed European Repair Information Form in response to requests. This must specify the information included in Annex I, including the identity of the repairer, goods concerned, repairs required, timescale for repairs and costs. The form may not be updated for 30 days after it is issued to the consumer.
Repairers are obligated to deliver the repairs as described in the form if accepted by the consumer.
Obligation to Repair
Where possible, manufacturers are required to repair goods listed in Annex II, as listed above. Repairs must be delivered free of charge or for a reasonable price. Repairs must take a reasonable amount of time and refurbished goods may be offered if repairs are impossible.
Repair services must be offered for the stated durations for each type of product. The legal guarantee period for each product will be extended a single time by 12 months, if successfully repaired within two years of purchase.
Manufacturers must make information on repair services for Annex II goods available.
Spare parts and tools for goods listed in Annex II must be offered at a reasonable price.
Designs of goods listed in Annex II must not use contractual clauses, hardware or software techniques impeding repairs, unless justified by legitimate and objective factors. The use of compatible and reused spare parts must not be obstructed.
European online platform for repair
By 31 July 2027, the European Commission is required to launch a European Online Platform for Repair. The platform will allow consumers to find repairers and, where applicable, sellers of refurbished goods and buyers of defective goods for refurbishment or community-led repair.
Promotion of Repairs and Enforcement
Member States are required to take at least one measure to promote repairs by 31 July 2029.
Member States must establish suitable enforcement measures to ensure compliance with the Directive.
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